Josefin Ohrn | Feel the Sun
Who doesn’t love a neon dystopian retro 80s funkland?
This was a great project to work on with Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation and their record label, Rocket Recordings.
The project was produced with a 4-person team over about 6 weeks. My role was to direct the animators and research and develop techniques to use audio to drive C4D animations.
How it was done.
Most of the time when attempting this style of animation you only get the finished audio track to manipulate. In this case the band gave us each individual audio track from their studio recording. This meant we had kick drums, snare drums, keyboards and vocal harmonies. Everything basically. This allowed us to precisely match the visuals with the music – everything you see is driven by the music.
We used Xpresso tags in C4D, linked to the sound effector to drive amplitudes in scale, rotation and colours. You can link multiple parts together for interesting results.
We also created a lot of hand drawn elementswhich were then plugged back into the 3D software as textures or geometry. For the hand drawn elements (like the mouth) we made sure that they also hit key beats and moments.
Big thanks to Simon Russell who’s a guru with this technique. This video here gave us the nuts and bolts on how to produce this effect. Check out his amazing website here too.